Menü Bezárás

Bethlen Theater

The theater is located in the peripheral part of Budapest’s 7th District, on Bethlen Gábor Square. In 2012 it was renamed the Bethlen Theater – the same name it used to have before it was closed in 1937.
The change of name went hand in hand with a change of profile: before its reopening, the building had functioned as a dance theatre for more than 15 years; since then it has been a host and production theatre. Its objective is to breathe new life into the place by actively involving contemporary young artists and performers without imposing any restrictions on genre.

The programmes are organised in the spirit of “total art”. The four pillars – prose performances, dance, children’s puppet theatre and cabaret – have been extended with other genres, such as dance circus, visual theatre, improvisation and folk performances. Every month, visitors can enjoy festivals, contemporary dance and theatre performances, Sunday plays for children, free film screenings, and new exhibitions at the Bethlen Gallery. The café plays host to acoustic concerts, stand-up shows and improvised theatre performances.